A Roadmap for Transforming the Nova Scotia Services to Persons with
Disabilities Program
This is the document that the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services put out in June 2013. It's a good document. You should read it.
The NDP government started this process. When the Liberal government came into power, DCS Minister Joanne Bernard @JoanneDNLIB made a commitment to follow through on these changes. Every plan takes time to implement.... we all know that. The only way for people in Nova Scotia affected by this document to see change is to GET STARTED!
Goal I: Self‐Direction, Choice and Control p.7
At the end of the explanation for this goal is: Proposed Actions
I've highlighted a couple key points. When will they get started?
Amanda Murphy is in an emergency living situation and the only option that DCS is giving her family is to institutionalize her. Isn't the mandate to get people out of institutions starting April 1, 2014?
Her family was given only one option. Why is DCS not working with the Murphy family to find a suitable solution? Why would they put Iris and Victor's child somewhere that they so strongly oppose? What if this was your child? It could be. Not all people are born with a disadvantage. Some people get an illness or brain injury and have to rely on the province for their care.
personal stories
Department of Community Services
8th Floor, Nelson Place
5675 Spring Garden Road
P.O. Box 696
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2T7 Phone: (902) 424-4304
Fax: (902) 424-3287 E-mail Minister Joanne Bernard
Let the Department of Community Services know that this excellent plan should not wait!
At the end of the explanation for this goal is: Proposed Actions
1) As of April 1, 2014, implement an 18‐month pilot initiative on person‐directed
planning and navigation in order to determine most effective and efficient delivery
(a) Central Region – Create and fund an independent planning support and
navigation function that is by a community‐based agency (given numbers on
waitlist in the Central Region, it seems most reasonable to add additional
planning capacity here). Pilot agency to be secured via a RFP process.
(b) Region 2 ‐ Restructure role of departmental care coordinators to minimize
administrative duties and enable greater emphasis on the planning function.
(c) Regions 3 and 4 – No change in delivery structure.
(a) Central Region – Create and fund an independent planning support and
navigation function that is by a community‐based agency (given numbers on
waitlist in the Central Region, it seems most reasonable to add additional
planning capacity here). Pilot agency to be secured via a RFP process.
2) Undertake evaluation of pilot initiatives and comparative analysis with current
approach and consider implications for wider‐scale implementation of selected
3) Develop training materials and resources related to principles, standards and
practices for person‐directed planning and navigation.
4) Provide training and orientation in person‐directed planning to care coordinators,
independent planners/navigators, and residential and vocational providers.
5) Develop an online system for access to information and planning resources –
provided in plain language and accessible formats. Information would be developed
for use by individuals, families and planners.
6) Initiate person directed planning/navigation process starting with all people on the
waiting list and persons currently residing in Residential Care Facilities (RCFs).
Rationale and Assumptions p.8
Person‐directed planning/navigation accountable to the person and/or family
will lead to innovation, use of non‐traditional options and increased use of
generic community supports.
Independent planners/navigators may require disability‐specific training,
taking account of distinct realities of people with intellectual, physical/sensory
and mental health disabilities.
The SPD program should enable person‐directed planning/navigation to be
undertaken in a variety of ways – from individuals and families doing their
own planning (with support from online and print resources), to accessing a
community resource centre for necessary support, to having the assistance of
an independent planner/navigator.
New mechanisms for delivering independent planning/navigation need to be
tested in order to develop best approaches/models for Nova Scotia context.
Prioritization for delivery of person‐directed planning:
− Individuals currently on waiting list
− Those residing in Residential Care Facilities (given recognition in
the 2008 review of residential services of the need for alternate
arrangements for those individuals residing in this option).
− Individuals currently on waiting list
Person‐directed planning/navigation should become the norm for all
individuals and families accessing SPD services.
Amanda Murphy is in an emergency living situation and the only option that DCS is giving her family is to institutionalize her. Isn't the mandate to get people out of institutions starting April 1, 2014?
Her family was given only one option. Why is DCS not working with the Murphy family to find a suitable solution? Why would they put Iris and Victor's child somewhere that they so strongly oppose? What if this was your child? It could be. Not all people are born with a disadvantage. Some people get an illness or brain injury and have to rely on the province for their care.
personal stories
8th Floor, Nelson Place
5675 Spring Garden Road
P.O. Box 696
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2T7
Fax: (902) 424-3287
Let the Department of Community Services know that this excellent plan should not wait!